pruv ep: whu-sha wheh' yeh choor sheh' uuk hiv-eng ur sheh-tul eh uun chep-a sri Ju-su yaw eh pi oag kheh shap an-na weesh kheh wes-hma ed zav-ak kheh tul moor-ba pess ka tul ha or-ess pracha: tul wut-chu tchee Ju-su yaw a lu-teh sri wut-chu tchee Ju-su yaw a u ka kheh much-eh ag chool-a a lu-teh pi ka poh ka tchee a myeh Ju-su pruv ket: Sang-a Claus peh zoov fwa-sa es peh frook em-pa ed ka-bo-ra uun pe-luh zik-ka zook wee-neh khah Mun-gu ag yee-tek es yee Chp kheh tul kheh lu-ta-ra Prrr prrr-ta ka tchee English translation: Verse one: Winds are blow-ing cold snow falls from the sky win-ter time is here my friend Christ-mas-time is nigh Let's romp in the snow let's slide on the ice soon we'll dec-o-rate the town and dress up the pines Refrain: We'll wish a mer-ry Christ-mas to peo-ple I'll wish a mer-ry Christ-mas to you and we will pray for pe-ace for peo-ple near and far and the Christ-child's joy, too. Verse two: San-ta Claus has come pres-ents we en-joy fish is on the fi-re now chil-dren play with toys Let us thank the Lord for all his bless-ings Let us love our fam-i-lies hap'-ly let us sing